Tibetan Mandala



Acrylic colours
60 x 80 cm

Les Mandalas

Malgré leur diversité, tous les mandala sont construits sur des principes semblables: trois cercles qui symbolisent le cosmos encerclent un «palais» terrestre avec quatre angles; le palais comporte quatre portes; la cinquième direction, «la direction du ciel», se trouve au milieu, là où se touchent les sommets des quatre triangles. Parce qu'un mandala est pensé en trois dimensions, ce milieu est la pointe d'une pyramide à base carrée (Lire la suite)

About Mandalas

A mandala is a concentric diagram having spiritual and ritual significance in Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism. The mandala is seen as a microcosm embodying the various divine powers at work in the universe, and it serves as a collection point for the gods and universal forces

Mandalas act as a bridge between the higher and lower realms. They are interdimensional gateways linking human consciousness to the realms of archetypes and the infinite. The relationship of form, movement, space and time is evoked by the mandala. They bring the principles of nature into our field of awareness. For thousands of years, mandala imagery has served as a means to an expanded way of thinking. The images transcend language and the rational mind. They bring about a certain wisdom of universal knowledge and a deeper understanding of human consciousness.

In order to access these more hidden and subtle aspects of our mind, symbols can be very effective in mind transformation.

"Jung describes archetypes as 'patterns of instinctual behaviour'. ... One definition of archetypes that Jung uses refers to 'primordial images', or archetypal figures that become activated and then clothed with personally derived emotional coloration. This occurs when an emotional [or spiritual] situation develops that corresponds to a particular archetype. .. For example the 'Wise Old Man', the 'Divine Child', 'All-Giving Mother', 'Patriarchal Father', 'Temptress' or 'Trickster' - all are symbolic, recurring figures in dreams, literature and religions. When the archetypal level of the collective unconscious is touched in a situation, there is emotional intensity as well as a tendency for symbolic expression. Then the usual everyday level of experience becomes altered; there is more 'magic' in the air. One can become 'inspired' or be on a 'crusade'."
Jean Shinoda Bolen in The Tao of psychology




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