mandala and bell yantra


Mandala and Varja Yantra

Acrylic colours
60 x 80 cm
(you can see the painting placed on my easel)


Diagramme mystique, forme abstraite de mandala. Composé de figures géométriques reliées les unes aux autres, le yantra est
utilisé, dans la méditation pour concentrer l'énergie visualisée. Les aspects et les pouvoirs du divin sont ainsi "concrétisés". Il existe plusieurs sortes de yantra, réalisés dans des matières différentes. Le plus connu de tous est le Shri-Yantra..


About Yantras

Yantra literally means "support" and "instrument". A Yantra is a geometric design acting as a highly efficient tool for contemplation, concentration and meditation. Yantras carry spiritual significance : there is a specific meaning that pertains to higher levels of consciousness.

In Hinduism and Buddhism, A yantra is any design intended for visual meditation, to teach spiritual doctrines by way of the designs composition. Like a Mandala, the yantra is used to focus the mind. When the mind is concentrated on a single, simple object (in this case a Yantra), the mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the object is dropped when the mind can remain empty and silent without help.

One of the most important of all yantras is Sri Yantra (the Great Yantra), which is formed of interlocking triangles. The upward pointing triangles represent the male attribute (lingam), the downward pointing triangles the female power (yoni or Shakti). It represents a continual expansion of this mystical union of female and male, which is the creative process; for this reason one of the names of the yantra is "form in expansion". The final center is not shown, as the meditators must envision and comprehend that within themselves.The Sri Yantra is believed to be the image of the OM mantra, which in the Hindu tradition is understood to be the primordial sound of creation. The Golden Ration Phi is also present in the design of the Sri Yantra.

Le Shri-Yantra ou "yantra du sublime" est composé de neuf triangles superposés, centrés autour d'un point bindu (symbole de l'univers dans sa forme non manifestée; en bouddhisme tantrique, désigne une sphère d'énergie, sémence de l'homme). Les cinq triangles ayant la point vers le bas représentent Shakti et les quatre orientés vers le haut Shiva.


Acrylic colours
60 x 80 cm

painted in 2003







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